Best Deals in Kona - Day 9 Best Free Activities

Other than food and fuel you can spend an entire day doing nothing but free, fun activities on the Big Island. Have a yummy breakfast, pack a lunch, snacks and water, and hit the road.

Start the day at the beach. Honl's is a fun beach for relaxing under the shade trees and staring off into the ocean. Some like to boogie board and surf here but many just dig their toes in the sand. There are restrooms and a shower across the street. You can rinse off after a fun morning relaxing. 

Next up is a hike. There are several to chose from but a great one for the view is Pu'u Wa'awa'a. Once you reach the top you can see all of Kohala. Be prepared, this is a 6+ mile hike with almost 2000 ft elevation change. Plan to spend a good portion of the day on this beautiful hike. Bring snacks and water and plan to take a few rest stops. Take a photo at the top and stop to take in the view. It's beautiful.

Plan to be finished with your hike in time to drive to the coast for sunset. There are several places to catch a great sunset but Old A's is usually not crowded and there is nothing in the way of the view. It is not easy to get into the water at this beach so it is usually used by locals for a meeting spot and picnics. It is also where the skate park, roller rink, and walking path are located. If you get there in time take a stroll around the path and say hi to all of the the stray cats. There are volunteers who feed them.

The park closes shortly after sunset so you can't hang out too long. Head back to your vacation rental for a nice dinner and to put up your feet. My family likes to bring travel games to entertain us in the evening after a busy travel day.