November Newsletter
We seem to always start this newsletter by talking about the weather. In November our two month heat wave finally broke. It is cooler in the morning now and we have a return of afternoon rain. As a matter of fact we had another of the torrential rains that brings the river that runs through the property this month.
Raging Flood
Last month we shared the completion of our rock wall along the west side of the driveway. This month that project became useful. The reason for installing the wall was to prevent erosion caused by flash flooding that occurs a few times a year. We had one of those this month. We are happy to report the retaining wall did what it was supposed to do and kept the water from eroding the land makai ( downhill ) of the driveway.
Flash flooding occurs on the property because of rain high up on Hualalai and when it floods, it FLOODS. After it starts running you can’t safely leave the property in a vehicle. It reminds us a bit of a big snow in the Midwest. Sometimes you just need to sit down with a hot cup of coffee and wait for the storm to pass. While beautiful, that red bridge was not built to be decorative. It functions as a way to get on or off the property during a flash flood.
Holiday Shopping

We have stocked the store with more items for all of your holiday gift needs. We now have ½ lb Kona Kaiju Coffee as well as many different gift baskets. If there is a combination you would like and don’t see on the site, let us know and we can see about offering it. We are also partnering with a few local merchants to offer even more local Hawaii merchandise. Consider checking out Papercrane Soaps and Upcycle Hawaii for even more gifts with Aloha.
Speaking of holiday shopping, December 19 will be the last day we can guarantee shipping to arrive before Christmas. We ship all items USPS Priority so there is a chance it will still arrive if you order after that date but we can’t be sure. Don’t wait, get your holiday orders in soon.
Hawaii Lore

We recently learned about the Mo’o: shapeshifting lizards or dragons from Hawaii mythology. They were family gods and reported to take the form of tiny geckos and could have power over the weather and water. Most Mo’o of legend are female, shapeshifters capable of appearing as beautiful maidens, water dragons, or tiny geckos. Basically they are Hawaiian kaiju.
We have a wide variety of geckos on the property that love to sunbathe and eat bugs. Their favorite sunbathing spot is the south lanai so we often find them when we walk outside or while picking coffee. Most of the geckos we see are the day spotted greens like you see in the Geico commercial but we do have the smaller brown variety as well.
Here is a small brown gecko on the nose of our youngest daughter Mo who is aptly named to make friends with the Mo’o of legend.
With Aloha,
Josh, Kris, Audrey, Mo, Crookshanks and Cujo
Guard Well Farm
75-1097 Keopu Mauka Dr.
Holualoa, HI 96725